Okay, I know that my math logic is not great.
I blame that on not having had common core in schools when I was a kid. ;)
Two weeks ago when my oldest son was out with a bad cold, I forgot about the note until we were in the drop-off loop at school. So, I grabbed the only paper available and quickly wrote him an excuse note. The paper happened to be a page from another kid's Thomas the Tank Engine coloring book. I added a sticker for good measure and sent him on his way.
Time for a better way!
I made up this basic form letter in Google Drive. I left a space to fill in the date and kid's name and my signature then printed out several copies which should get us through the remaining 5 months of school. I gave my 5 year old the task of cutting them in half (She's on scissor time-out since shes had some issues with misusing scissors to cut
Download School Absent Note Template (Google Drive)
Feel free to download and modify for your own school mornings when a note is the last thing on your mind!