Lately, I've realized that I've been starving for GOOD QUALITY CONTENT. This concept seems ridiculous at first thought because, ideally, I have access to all kinds of content... anything I want, I can find on the internet. There are videos, movies, music, books, blogs, magazines, newspapers... multitudes of media. But I'm still starving! I've finally figured out why...
It's all about content discovery! While so much content exists in the world, I only have a limited exposure, and without extraordinary effort, only hear about the mainstream media (Oscar Winning Movies, Top 40 Artists, NY Times Bestsellers etc). I've found that I want more.
I have been disappointed by the quality of the mainstream media. For example, I recently watched "No Country for Old Men" (actually, I fell asleep, but that's another story) and was disappointed with it after all the hype it received at the Oscars.
I have cable TV... hundreds of channels, but there's still nothing on!
I HATE listening to the radio in the car. For the short time I spend driving the kids to and from daycare, I only ever hear the same old crap!
What do I want? I want to be inspired! I want to watch movies and listen to music and read articles that make me think, keep me up at night, inspire me or change my perspective. This process sounds like a full time job. But alas, I have other things to do than to dig through mass media in search of the gems. I am dreaming of hiring a personal assistant who's job it is to research and discover new content for me to view. I'm not quite there yet, but perhaps I can find content about content: reviews and recommendations by other people who have taken the time to dig and discover and share the results.
I guess part of the purpose of this blog will be to share the results of what I've discovered with the rest of the world, in case someone else is starving too.
Here's the recent discoveries: Preview Courses: Some of the PBS archives available for streaming over the web. Just the previews are interesting. Mostly mainstream movies, but you can pick and choose what you want, when you want it.
Still searching for some good music and book recommendations and indie film or short video clips!