I have another cool website to share with you this week: MyJobChart.com
The boys and I have been using it to practice our morning and evening routines and get chores done over the summer. We love it and I'll tell you why in a minute.
Here's How It Works:
You (The Parent) create an account then add your children each with a picture and password.
Next you add 'jobs' for the kids, which can be anything from daily routine basics to household chores to working on long term homework assignments or practicing lines for Drama. Then you get to assign how many points will be earned for completing each task. I love that you can set different values for different jobs. For example, making the bed is 5 points while emptying trash cans is 15.
There are preset jobs to choose from or you can create your own and even add your own little picture for each job. Decide when the task should be done, whether it's morning, afternoon, daily, weekly or only certain days. Assign the job to one or more kids and save it.
At first this seemed kind of daunting to add all the stuff I wanted to do, but I decided it was best for me and the kids to just add a few new jobs each week. As some things become habits, like brushing teeth in the morning or making your bed, I will probably reduce the points value or remove them all together.
THE FUN PART: Create cool prizes that your kids can buy with their points. When they have racked up enough points they can go to 'My Store' and buy one of the rewards.
My guys have earned things like trip to the park, family game night, extra story time, ice cream cones and the favorites: Nintendo DSIs and Mario, Luigi & Buzz Lightyear Piggy Banks (which I found on eBay for $1 each!).
I love that there is less whining about getting the chores done and they love logging on to check of their jobs and of course THE REWARDS!
Feeling like your work as mom needs more benefits? Make a child account for your inner-brat too :) And treat yourself to manicures, new shoes and Me-Time!
Oh! And It's FREE! Check It Out